Earlier this year, in partnership with Steve Smiley, of Peck Smiley Ettlin, we began to develop an MBR for the Southern Oregon Rehabilitation Center and Clinics, located in White City, Oregon. SORCC is located in what was originally the Station Hospital at U.S. Army Cantonment "Camp White," a monster training facility built on the Agate Desert, east of Medford, at the start of World War II. The hospital, mostly built of brick, is the only element of the Camp to survive and has been owned and operated by the Veterans Administration since 1949.
A NR-eligible property, the VA is surely aware of its facility's significant history but, like most private clients, has a primary mission to address (in this case patient service) that means historic preservation isn't exactly their top priority. What the MBR will do, with luck, is provide reasonable and cost-effective solutions that can guide the VA's actions at SORCC so that they can balance patient service with historic preservation in a manageable way. Historic Preservation was never intended to turn properties into museums but rather to help owners continue to occupy and use them in a way that respects their history. And that is true whether the "owner" is the United States, a large corporation, or your neighbor that wants to open a Bed and Breakfast.
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