Nestled into an arc of headstones at River View Cemetery is
a fine marble monument that on its west face reads “Eastham” and on its east, “Morey.” Historians of Portland, especially of
Portland’s electrical utilities, may recognize those names and wonder why they
are both found on one marker. I
certainly did.
But still, most business partners, even successful ones who
may have had high respect and friendship between them, don't share a burial plot and
there was no report that Eastham and Morey were otherwise related by blood or
marriage. In the normal sense, they weren’t.
Edward Eastham, born in Oregon City in 1848, died on January
18, 1891, before he ever saw how successful his power company would become. He left a widow, Clara, and six children, one
just an infant. Eastham, also a State
Senator, was mourned as “Oregon City’s foremost citizen.
Parker Morey, born in Missouri in 1847, lived longer, though
he was just 56 years old when he died.
He and his wife Maud had three children, two girls and boy, before Maud
passed in 1888. I’m not sure exactly
when, but soon after Edward’s death, Clara and Parker joined their families
into one, Clara inheriting three step-children and Parker six. When Parker died, on July 7, 1904, the entire
family was with him on their farm near Oregon City.
Clara Eastham Morey, died July 23, 1927, at the age of 72. She was survived
by two daughters and four sons, two stepdaughters and one stepson. At River View Clara's modest headstone is at the center
point of the Morey-Eastham monument. It is flanked on the west by Edward. Parker is on the east.
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